Sarkari Naukri Damad India. Latest Upadted Indian Govenment Jobs -
Gautam Buddh Technical University
Gautam Buddh Technical University
(Formerly known as:
Lucknow College of Architecture and Govt. College of Architecture)Tagore Marg, Lucknow
Advertisement No AC
Last Date : 03-Nov-2011Applications on the prescribed forms are invited for the following faculty posts on contract basis :
- Associate Professor (Architecture) : 02 posts(GEN-1,OBC-1), Pay : ₨. 25000/- consolidated
- Assistant Professor (Architecture) : 09 posts (GEN-4,OBC-3,SC-2), Pay : ₨. 22000/- consolidated
For the position of Assistant Professor a written ‘Screening Test’ may also be conducted before
the interview.
the interview.
Applications are invited on prescribed format
for appointment of faculty members ‘ON CONTRACT’(renewable on year to year basis)
, in office of Faculty of Architecture, latest upto the extended date till 4.00 pm onthe 3rd November, 2011.S. No
Level of
Category Total Number
SC OBC General Positions
Associate Professor ₨25,000 - 01 01 022.
Assistant Professor ₨22,000 02 03 04 09Note: The number of positions under each category can be increased or decreased.
1. Professor - Architecture:
(As per AICTE Norms)Qualifications: Experience:
- Qualifications as that are for the post of Associate
Professor, as applicable.
is highly desirable.
- Minimum of 10 years teaching and/or research
and/or industrial experience of which at least 5
years should be at the level of Associate Professor.
- M
Post PhD publications and guiding PhD studentsinimum of 13 years’ experience in teaching and/or Research and/or Industry.
- In case of research experience, good academic
record and books/research paper
publications/IPR/patents record shall be required
as deemed fit by the expert members in Selection
same shall be at managerial level equivalent to
Associate Professor with active participation
record in devising/designing, planning, executing,
analysing, quality control, innovating, training,
technical books/research paper
publications/IPR/patents etc. as deemed fit by the
expert members in Selection committee.
If the experience in industry is considered, the-
years as certified by the Council of Architecture.
shall also be considered valid.
In case of Architecture, Professional Practice of 102. Associate Professor:
(As per AICTE Norms)Qualifications: Experience:
- Qualification as that is for the post of Assistant
Professor, as applicable and PhD or equivalent, in
appropriate discipline
- Post PhD publications and guiding PhD student
is highly desirable.
Minimum of 5 years’ experience in teaching and/orresearch and/or industry of which at least 2 years
shall be post PhD is desirable.
years as certified by the Council of Architecture
shall also be considered valid.
In case of Architecture, Professional Practice of 53. Assistant Professor:
(As per AICTE Norms)Qualifications: Experience
Bachelors and Master’s Degree in Architecture withFirst Class or equivalent either in Bachelors or
Master’s Degree
(a) All the appointments shall be made under
Buddh Technical University
‘Contract’ for Faculty of Architecture the ‘Gautam’ (hereinafter called the University)(b) The appointments to all the posts shall, initially, be made for a period of one year, which may be
renewable on year to year basis depending on the suitability, performance, of the candidate.
(c) All other terms and conditions of
appointment under ‘Contract’ shall be shall be as per the clauses of‘Contract’, not in contravention of the Regulations of the
University, made applicable from time toTERMS & CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT (
as approved by the Government):1- The appointment will be made for maximum eleven month on the post of with effect from the
date of joining on contractual basis on fixed monthly Honorarium of as per position on which
2- The contractual faculty will have no right of appointment/reappointment in the institute on the
basis of this contractual works.
3- The institute will have the right to terminate the contract any time by giving one month notice or
the payment of amount equal to Honorarium of one month in lieu thereof.
4- The institute will also have the right to terminate this contract any time without any notice if the
contractual faculty is found to be involved in any type of misconduct or moral turpitude.
5- The contractual faculty may get this contract terminated on one month notice or the payment of
amount equal to Honorarium of one month in lieu thereof.
6- The contractual faculty will not be entitled to any leave with pay except 14 days casual leave as
admissible to the administrative staff.
7- The contractual faculty is agreed to the terms that first party may call the second party for
necessary works of the institute even after office hours or on holidays.
8- The Principal/Dean of Faculty will be arbitrator in case of any dispute and his//her decision will
be final.
9- Both the parties i.e The College through its Principal/Dean and the contractual faculty will sign
an agreement to the effect as noted above without any compulsion misrepresentation or mislead.
Text of the Contract document to be signed is given at the end of this document)GENERAL INFORMATION AND CONDITIONS:
The candidates should note the following carefully
above, or not to appoint anyone at all on any position.
The University reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of positions indicated
possessing the minimum qualifications, the candidate will not entitled for any claim for
contractual appointment.
The qualification and experience prescribed above are the minimum required and, merely by
the interview.
For the position of Assistant Professor a written ‘Screening Test’ may also be conducted before
necessary certificate issued by the competent authority, alongwith the application.
The candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC categories claiming reservation must submit the
may be considered for deputation also
They may, however, send in an advance copy of their application. Their applications will be
processed separately in accordance of the rules of the University.
Persons already working in Government / Semi-Government / Autonomous organizations. Such candidate should apply though proper channel.
The applicant must be prepared to join within a week, if selected and the appointment is offered.
self-addressed postcard stamped for
Candidates desiring to obtain the acknowledgement of their submitted application must enclose a₨06/- only.
No TA/DA shall be paid for attending the interview.
and also communicated through the e-mail. The candidates are advised to give the correct
and valid e-mail address in their application. Efforts will also be made to communicate the
interview date through the bulk SMS generated through the Faculty website. No postal
information will be sent to inform the interview date.
The Date of Interview will be announced on the website of the Faculty ,
The prescribed ‘Application Format’ downloaded from the website, must be printed on‘
White A-4’ size, Thick paper preferably of ‘120 gsm’
superscripted with the
The application complete in all respects must be submitted in a closed envelope‘Name of the Position’ applied for and the ‘Advertisement No’.
Applications received after the last date shall not be considered.
Unsigned or incomplete applications are liable to be rejected.
considered for the lower position provided he/she explicitly indicates to be so considered in
writing in the item no 18 of the application format.
A candidate applying for a higher position, if not found eligible for that level, may beApplication complete with self-attested copies of testimonials should be sent with an
application fee of Rs.200/-
(Rs.100/- in case of SC/ST candidates) through an account payeeBank Draft drawn in favour of the ‘Principal, Lucknow College of Architecture’ payable at
‘Lucknow’ so as to reach the office of the 'Dean of Faculty’ in the Faculty of
Architectureupto the extended date till 4.00 p.m. on Thursday, the 3rd November 2011.- Principal & Dean
Faculty of Architecture,
G.B. Technical University,
(On Rs. 100/- Stamp paper)
Terms & Conditions of Employment on Contract Basis
This agreement was entered between Principal/Dean
………………………………………….. (Name ofInstitute)
(Name of Institute) on the following terms of Conditions :-
called first party & …………………………………………………….. S/o ………………………………………. R/ocalled second party, for employment on contractual basis in1. That the first party agrees to depute the second party for maximum eleven month on the post of
………………………… w.e.f. ……………… to …………………………… on contractual basis on
fixed Honorarium of rupees Rs. …………………………..
the above terms.
2. That that second party will have no right of appointment/reappointment in the institute on the basis
of this contractual works.
3. That the first party will have the right to terminate this contract any time by giving one month notice
or the payment of amount equal to Honorarium of one month in lieu thereof.
4. That the first party will also have the right to terminate this contract any time without any notice if
the second party is found to be involved in any type of misconduct or moral turpitude.
5. That the second party may get this contract terminated on one month notice or the payment o amount
equal to Honorarium of one month in lieu thereof.
6. The second party will not be entitled to any leave with pay except 14 days casual leave as admissible
to the administrative staff.
7. That the second party is agreed to the terms that first party may call the second party for necessary
works of the institute even after office hours on holidays.
dispute and his/ her decision will be final.
9. That both the parties signed this agreement without any compulsion misrepresentation mislead.
Per month and the second part agrees toDirector/Principal …………………………….. (Name of institute) will be arbitrator in case of anySigned on this ……………. the day of …………………. 2010 at Gorakhpur in p
__________________ ___________________
The first party Second party
resence of witnesses.……………………………….. 1. ……………………………………2.
……………………………….. 2. ……………………………………Gautam Buddh Technical University
Lucknow College of Architecture and Govt. College of Architecture)Tagore Marg Lucknow
Name of the Post applied for: ______________________________________
Department/Centre: _____________________________________________
Field of Specialization
– 226 007(As advertised): _______________________________________________________Advertisement No.: __________________ Category: __________________
APPOINTMENT ON CONTRACT TO THE TEACHING POSITIONS(To be filled by the candidate in ink in his/her own handwriting. Write neatly and legibly.)
The candidate must read carefully the
– I : PERSONAL INFORMATION1. Name (In Block letters): ___________________________________________
3. Date of Birth: ___________________________________________________
4. Place of Birth: __________________________________________________
5. Age (As on 1st July of the year): ____________ Years _________ Months
6. Sex (Male/Female): _______________ 7. Nationality: ________________
8. Marital Status: __________________ 9. Religion: __________________
Father’s/Husband’s Name: _________________________________________10.
(a) Do you belong to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe? YES / NO (Proof– Enclosure No. )(b) Do you belong to Other Backward Classes of Uttar Pradesh? YES / NO
(Proof– Enclosure No. )11.
Address:For Correspondence: (b) Permanent Address:PIN Code __________ Telephone _____________ PIN Code ___________ Telephone____________
e-mail address: ________________________________________________________________________(d)
Personal Website (if any): _______________________________________________________________FOR OFFICE USE ONLY
Form Received on.:
Registration No. :
Signature of Receiving Clerk:
Passport Sized
Marks in %
High School/
School Exam.
Sr. Secondary School Exam.
M.E./M.Tech./ M.Arch./M.F.A
13. Experience:
Post Held Organisation From To
14. Courses Taught a) Under-Graduate __________________________________________________________
b) Post-Graduate _____________________________________________________________
15. Present Pay Scale : _______________ Present Basic Pay: _____________ Present Emoluments: ___________
16. If you are not found eligible/suitable for higher position that applied for, will you be willing to join at a lower
position: _________________________________
17. Any Other Information:
(Please Attach additional sheet if necessary). _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Dated: __________________ ________________________
Signature of Applicant----------------------------------------
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